Woodside Care Village

About Woodside Care Village
Located in Warwickshire is Woodside Care Village, a 72 bed care home with family sized bedrooms to accommodate between five and seven people, designed to give residents the opportunity to live in a vibrant community.
More information
Opening it's doors in November 2019, Woodside Care Village is a 72 bed care home in Warwickshire with family-sized households for between five and seven people. The village is designed to give residents the opportunity to contribute as little or as much as they want to.
The village consists of twelve households which are designed and decorated in a range of styles so people who have similar interests, backgrounds and care needs can live together in a familiar environment. Each of the household areas is designed and decorated in one of three lifestyles based on town, country and classical living. Woodside is a vibrant community with outstanding resident facilities including mini golf, outdoor gym, vegetable beds, hair salon and spa.
We provided our Classic Low Profiling Beds specified in custom wood finishes for each of the three design schemes. Accompanying the beds were our Serene High Risk Pressure Mattresses for resident comfort and pressure relief.
Can we support you with your project?
We've been working with designers and specifiers for years to bring visions to reality and make bedrooms a truly pleasant environment to live in and be cared for. Our highly skilled UK production team are well-known for their exacting standards and real attention-to-detail and with access to thousands of materials we can create any design imaginable.
Whether you're planning a new build, a refurbishment or a renovation of an existing site, selecting an Opera bed will help your bedrooms stand out to potential new guests, residents and their families. Let's get started...